MK Announces Next Immigration Community Forum: Working with Survivors of Persecution and Secondary Trauma

Maggio Kattar, along with event co-sponsor Catholic Charities, is pleased to announce its next immigration community forum will be held on November 4, 2015, from 9-11am.
This community forum will be co-sponsored by Catholic Charities and will address topics of working with survivors of persecution and self-care. We will hear from mental health professionals on how to best work with survivors in order to present the best and strongest applications for relief. Our speakers will discuss secondary traumatic stress experienced by attorneys and paralegals in working with survivors of persecution. We will talk about indicators of secondary stress and ways to care for yourself.
This community forum will take place at the Washington, DC offices of Maggio Kattar, located at 11 Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 775, Washington, DC on November 4, 2015, from 9-11am. The panel will be moderated by Anna Gallagher, Shareholder, Maggio Kattar. It will also include mental health professionals, including Joseph A. Izzo, Psychotherapist at Whitman-Walker Health Center and Yeshashwork Kibour, Clinical Psychologist in private practice.
Please join us in our 5th Floor Conference Room for a continental breakfast at 9:00 a.m., immediately followed by the panel discussion.
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