Do 500K E-Verify Participants Know What They’ve Gotten Themselves Into?

USCIS has announced that a milestone 500,000 employers had registered to participate in E-Verify by the end of 2013.
Since its inception in 1996 as the “Basic Pilot Program”, E-Verify evolved from a simple system where employers had to call the Social Security Administration to verify social security numbers, to an online system that automatically verifies the information an individual provides for their Form I-9 with USCIS and Social Security Administration information and includes photo identification verification. During its evolution, USCIS entered into agreements with other government agencies to share the data employers provided in E-Verify in order to identify misuse, abuse or fraudulent use of E-Verify as well as any possible evidence of discriminatory hiring practices. The Memorandum of Understanding, signed by all participating employers, allows the government essentially free reign to share their data with any agency they deem appropriate. The DOJ is initiating investigations of employers in the absence of actual complaint, based solely upon data trends of E-Verify.
While employers have been willing to participate in E-Verify for the greater sense of security that their employees are in fact work-authorized, they are exposing themselves to even greater scrutiny of their hiring practices, and creating a critical need for tighter internal controls on all facets of their interview and onboarding practices.
In-house experience and E-Verify expertise gives Maggio+Kattar attorneys unique insight into business processes that can support or hinder your businesses compliance efforts. Contact us to discuss your businesses needs further.